10 Day Sugar Detox-Will it be the Answer for Me?

For the past few days, my fiancé Tony and I have been doing a 10 Day Sugar Detox. Me and Tony at gymI read the book The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman and decided to give it a shot. Let me back up a little and tell you why…

Despite living what I thought was a fairly healthy lifestyle, I was severely fatigued all the time (napping within a couple of hours of waking up) and had gained weight (almost 20 lbs) over the past year and a half that wouldn’t budge. In addition, my moods were out of control! Not that I’ve ever been accused of being even-keeled but things were getting worse. I wanted to cry or rip someone’s head off most times. I was working out a few times a week at the gym, walking in the evenings and eating pretty healthy. I don’t smoke, I rarely drink and take no prescription meds with the exception of birth control pills. I was also taking my Plexus health and wellness supplements but I wasn’t getting the results I should have. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was but I knew I just didn’t feel “right” . The real me felt hidden in an overweight , tired, cranky girl I didn’t like.

After  consulting (crying about how I felt) with my chiropractor, who follows a natural, alternative approach to wellness, he sent me for blood work. The lab results showed that I had slightly elevated insulin levels, was hypothyroid and had a Vitamin D deficiency. All of these things can cause you to gain weight and feel very tired. He recommended a couple of books for me to read and a complete change in diet.

Long story short, I knew I needed a lifestyle change in the worst way. I was trying to change my diet but it was hard. I was pretty sure I had a yeast overgrowth in my body as well which was causing me to have a major sweet tooth that I couldn’t get control of. I HAD to have something sweet after dinner. A nice bowl of ice cream was my nightly treat to myself.  I had talked to some Plexus friends who had undergone sugar detoxes to rid their bodies of sugar completely so that they could get a handle on their cravings and rid their bodies of the yeast overgrowth.  When some of my Plexus friends began posting on Facebook and Periscope about starting this diet, I decided to give it a try too.

So…here I am at Day 8. How hard has it been? What have I been eating? How did I feel? What results have I gotten? That will be another post. For now, I have 2 more days to go…what will I do after completing Day 10? Cheat or continue on this lifestyle? Tune in soon to find out!

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